“Do what makes you feel most alive.” ...

How many us feel we live in a space where we constantly feel that we lack something. Living isn’t the same as feeling alive. Most of us are blessed and should be thankful that we are not living war, famine, drought or epidemics. Does that mean we should become complacent and satisfied with what we already have even if it doesn’t suit us or bring us happiness. 

I chose to take a leap and decided to seize the day and the next. I always wanted to experience Himalayas and it always felt like a very difficult task. I doubted myself and many times guilty because it needed me to be away from family for around 10 days. I had to make arrangements for my kids to be taken care of. And constantly face the questions from the elders of my family “what is the need for all this”.I really had to prepare mentally and physically to believe that I can go hiking.  Had to workout especially run 5 KM everyday. We were expected to build our stamina and fitness levels.  Mentally, I had to accept and be flexible with food, stay, people, nature and also the fact that I won’t have any way to connect with my family for 8 days.

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But I did it and the experience will stay with me forever. No words can explain my emotions when I saw Himalayas the first time, so up and close.  There was not one sad moment. The voices inside my head became quiet and that emptiness that was lingering in me for so long felt fulfilled. I was neither weak nor strong. I was ALIVE and not just living.

Tell me about your experience. When was the last time you were ALIVE. What do you plan to do this year to STAY ALIVE. Please like, share, or comment on this blog if you can connect with the feeling. Don’t hesitate to call it a CRAP if that’s what you feel.

Ciao. Signing off for now.


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